Wait… Stop… Rewind…

So, my daughter called me out this morning.  She very kindly told me that I should avoid sounding “preachy”.  I get it.  And, I see the problem.  If I write ABOUT something like grief, I don’t write from INSIDE that experience, and it sounds like a sermon. Particularly in writing on a topic like that, which can really only be experienced, the results will not be what I want here, because my intention for this blog is to write from inside of my experience.  Therein lies the great difficulty of writing that I am constantly discovering… The words never quite do the trick when I try to describe something that I experienced unless I am writing and feeling that experience at the same time.  So today, I am going to make soup and call a friend who is deeply within her own experience of grief.

3rd version of this photograph - jaundice problem solved

I will have to admit that I had a little fun with this photo. You might have to click on the photo and enlarge it in order to see why.  I tried to put a bigger version in here, but all it did was crop me out and enlarge the pot of soup. I figured that since this actually the first photograph of me in this blog, I might as well be visible.  I do believe its also the first self-portrait I’ve ever shot.  (And in case you don’t know what I look like, I really don’t have jaundice, its just that when I pull the images into the blog, the skin tones do not appear the way they look when I edit the photos.) Its truly remarkable what this blog has pushed me to do, and I’m only on day 4.

Another first… its only 7pm.  I will have no excuse to stay up half the night writing. Now off to test the soup…